Jeremy and Ken meet up again
17th November 2014
Jeremy Dootson is a member of Architect Craft Lodge No 1375 of Swinton and Ken Alker the Special Representative for the Leigh, Wigan, Westhoughton and Bryn Mark Lodges and a member of Leigh Mark Lodge No 1322, served as Masters in the Craft at the same time in the Eccles Group and became firm friends.
The friendship has continued and this time it was extended into the Mark Degree when Jeremy was very ably advanced into Leigh Mark Lodge.
The advancement ceremony was split when Worshipful Master Ken Bowdler took the initial part and Ken Alker, took over after the candidate retired to complete a very pleasant evening when the Lodge elected its Officers for the ensuing year
Leigh Mark Lodge meets four times a year in January, (Installation) March, September and November at Leigh Masonic Hall and continues to flourish with three candidates advanced this year and another one earmarked for 2015
Ken welcomes Jeremy to Leigh Mark Lodge

Article and Photographs by Fred Lomax